Access to change Date and Time with a "limited account" on XP Home.
I am looking for a way to allow user accounts that were set up as "Limited account" types on Windows XP Home SP3 to open the Adjust Date/Time utility from the system tray. While logged in as the admin account, I can open it, but if I try while logged in with the limited account, I get the "You do not have the proper privilege level to chagne the System Time." error.Any help would be appreciated.2 people need an answerI do too
December 18th, 2009 6:15pm

Login as Administrator and follow the steps below: 1. Go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Templates2. Open Local Security Policy3. Go to Local Policy > User Rights Assignments > Change the System time , double click to open it.4. You will see the options to add and remove user groups. Add those users whom you want should be able to do it and remove those who shouldn't.
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February 12th, 2010 4:29pm

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